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STIMS and Egg Retrieval #2

Hi Warriors and Fertile Myrtles,

Well! I did it! (again).

STIMS this retrieval were a lot different than last time. My nurses encouraged me not to ice before, so the injections hurt a lot more than last time. The reason they don't recommend icing before hand is because it could mess with the meds, and my blood vessels need to be open and flowing in order for the meds to be absorbed. But with that, it hurt 10x more than last. Menopur and Lovenox burn SO bad. Follistim is hit or miss, and Ganirellix has a very dull needle, so I literally had to stab myself (like a dart board) in order for it not to hurt.

Towards the end of STIMS this round, I was SO UNCOMFORTABLE. My ovaries were HUGE, and I felt so full. The best way I can describe it is if you take a deep breath and push your stomach out, that's how I felt toward the end. Just constantly full.


I finally got relief! (Sort of).

Today was egg retrieval day! I wasn't as nervous this time because I had already done it, but I was nervous about the number of eggs my doctor was going to retrieve. Last retrieval, I had a total of 28 follicles by the end of STIMS, 12 that were mature (big enough in size), and 12 eggs retrieved. This retrieval, I had 20 follicles by the end of STIMS, 10 that were mature, and we retrieved 11 eggs! YAY! That means one of the 10 follicles had 2 eggs in it! WE GOT A BONUS EGG!

I totally thought we were going to get 7 or less. During the first week of STIMS, I only had a total of 7 follicles. I was extremely worried, because our plan this round is to send them out to be genetically tested (PGT-A). The more we retrieve, the more we have to send out to be tested, and the more likely we have a higher number of them coming back normal. For example, if we only had 7 eggs, 5 would probably mature/reach bast, and only 1or 2 would come back genetically normal (statistically speaking).

We are so happy with the number, especially the bonus egg!

One thing that is different this time, the pain level. I am in SO much pain compared to the last retrieval. It's like period cramps, but in my ovaries, on top of what feels like a bladder infection. Hopefully over the next couple of days the pain will subside.

Soon we will find out how many have fertilized, and reached blast, and then send them out to be tested. Hoping and praying for good news!

baby dust,


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